Sunday, June 15, 2014

value of art

It's 2:17 am.  I'm just chilling on the couch.  Hung out with some cool people tonight, was going to go to this outdoor thing but thunderstorm.  I did this drawing though.  There is good art and there is bad art.  And mediocre art.  All levels of art really, all art is in the same category and it's worth within that category also has a place.  This is some good art that I made.  I'm living in a society where a beautiful woman can upload a picture of herself on the toilet, call it art, and get more views than this drawing probably ever will.  And that's a tragedy in my opinion.  The world, society, rewards a woman flaunting her sexuality and, I don't know what she's saying actually, like "me shitting is art."?  I mean I don't know how else to take that but, no.  Just no.  Sure, she can call that art but it's definitely not good art.  Let's be smart people.