Friday, February 28, 2014

Campin' out on friday night


Progress shot of a celebrity pigeon.  I've got so many projects going at this point, I'm thinking I'll die before I complain about being bored again. 

It's a "People Under the Stairs" type night:

Monday, February 24, 2014

Space Falcon

Space Falcon

This the latest drawing I've completed.  A personal project, this drawing was just a fun experimentation playing with scale, and trying to capture the feeling of the bird being more of a character than a bird. 

The lack of more realistic portrayal of our solar system is a distraction for some.  I didn't really anticipate that, as I was more concerned with trying to pack too much into the background, and in doing so take the focus away from the falcon.  I'm looking forward to taking what I did successfully in this drawing and improving on that in  another space bird drawing.   

This is a cool song, even cooler music video.