Monday, November 11, 2013


2400 project views on my behance page, 115 project appreciations.  How to get to epidemic status?  Until I find a way, I'm going to work out these projects.  Progress shot:

Love birds theme.  They are based on buntings, a painted bunting on the left, an indigo bunting on the right.  The painted bunting is looking endearingly at the indigo bunting, who is serenading the painted bunting with a song.  The branches come together and wrap around each other, as a heart shape.

Update:  11/16

Update:  12/3

Update: 12/12
Update: 12/14

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Sitting on three commissions.  Accepted a show at a gallery in St. Paul for January.  Preparing for two art events through Hennpin County Medical Center.  This is just great.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Finished one commission, two more to go.  It's crunch time.

Saturday, November 2, 2013


I met this psychologist the other day, at a cafe.  He said he's thinking about getting back into art, and if I'm willing to drive 2 1/2 hours away to his town with a thriving art community, he'd love to introduce me to several people.

Sounds kinda cool, I hope it's not a weird sex thing.

In any case, I'm still making hot drawings.

Raven  11x14" (pencil, pen)