This is a picture of a rough draft for a t-shirt design and short animation. Right now, there are five colors being used, three browns and two greens. I'm playing around with the idea of including two birds on top of the antlers, depicting their beaks on either side of the green orb on top, encircling it and thereby matching the symmetry of the rest of the design. Right now, I'm still debating between creating the birds based off of a swallow-like or hawk-like bird to fill that role. Hawks have a certain aggression/attitude to them that would fit nicely with the rest of the piece, but swallows have beaks that are much better suited to fitting the shape, so I'll have to come to terms with that problem before I'm able to finalize the design.
For the t-shirt, I plan on including some detailed line work surrounding the totem pole. It will most likely surround the design in the picture, specifically to extend the design unto the sleeves, upper neck region, and bottom portion of the t-shirt.
I've always liked wearing zip-up hoodies with an interesting t-shirt underneath, so I'm planning the t-shirt side of this idea according to my own personal style. The strongest parts of the design will still be able to seen even while wearing a hoodie over top of it. I can't wait to have this idea finished and printed!
Update: I've decided to use a hawk style bird, and abstract the beak to make it fit the design. Using a different species of bird would have been easier, but this method not only meshes better with the rest of the design, but reinforces it.