Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Another page from my sketchbook

Ink and colored pencil on paper (9"X12")

Thursday, February 11, 2010

This is a drawing I did a few months ago. I haven't gotten around to coloring it yet, although I have chosen my color scheme for it already. Believe it or not, this is actually another deer drawing. I filled the page with deer silhouettes, then went into the silhouettes and added more lines based on how light falls on a deer. The darker the area of the deer, the more intricate and dense the lines are in that area. I'm excited to pick this back up and get it colored!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Outsider Art, Oil Painting

This is my second painting.  One thing I'm starting to realize about my work is that I enjoy projecting on it through titles.  This one is called "No skin off your ass."   I welcome any sort of feedback.

January 2010

October 2011

Monday, February 1, 2010

This is a quick drawing I did over the weekend. Not sure what its final destiny is, but right now I'm thinking about revising the character a little. It kind of looks like an alien, but I wanted it to look more like a reptile of some sort, or an insect?

I asked my roommate for some feedback and I was given a one word response, "Meditation." Interesting. More to come!